Rarely has a complex gene signature been successfully translated from conception to a predictive biomarker algorithm ready for clinical practice. Genialis’ ResponderID™ is a biomarker discovery platform that espouses a biology-first framework to model underlying disease biology. The platform consists of software and data/ signature assets, and has been validated through the development of the Xerna™ TME panel. The Xerna TME Panel is a novel machine learning based transcriptomic biomarker designed to predict therapeutic response to various targeted therapies across multiple cancers. ResponderID continues to support the commercialization and market acceptance of the Xerna TME Panel.

Published at HubXchange 2023.

Daniel Pointing1, Rafael Rosengarten1, LukaAusec1 , Mark Uhlik2, Laura Benjamin2

1 Genialis, Inc.
2 OncXerna Therapeutics, Inc.

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